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PC World editor Harry McCracken has resigned from that publication after its new CEO spiked a story about Apple mogul Steve Jobs. According to Wired, CEO Colin Crawford "also told editors that product reviews in the magazine were too critical of vendors, especially ones who advertise in the magazine, and that they had to start being nicer to advertisers." The future of magazines is here! And it looks just like the future of the internet, not unexpectedly. Yesterday, Gawker's Evil Ad Overlord Chris Batty killed our hilarious list of the ten most annoying things about Jason Calacanis and told us we'd better start talking up those really nice Diesel Denim Gallery jeans which are available at a Diesel store near you right now or we'd be out on our ass. Because we're virtue-shy wusses, we sucked it up, but it's nice to see that some people still have integrity.

PC World Editor Quits Over Apple Story [Wired]