• Post calls out News' circulation figures: The "paper's overreliance on bulk sales is propping up a single-copy sales disaster." Expect some lame News response involving the phrase "New York area" tomorrow. [NYP]
  • The Dolan family may finally be able to take Cablevision private. [NYT]
  • Former Newsweek editor Mark Whitaker jumps to NBC News. [WWD]
  • The Times has chosen an ombudsman to succeed Byron "Barney" Calame, may announce name within days. [E&P]
  • Steve Rattner's Quadrangle Group supposedly the front-runner in the bid for Dennis Publishing tiles Maxim, Stuff, and Blender. [NYP]
  • Lindsay Lohan gives Radar's busy Photoshop department this month off as she becomes the first real live person to pose for the cover. [R&M].