• Garden & Gun has less than auspicious debut, arriving as it did just a few days before decidedly unpicturesque massive gun violence at Virginia Tech. [NYT]
  • Big media looking to buy the shit out of keywords for internet search terms in an attempt to drive traffic. [WSJ]
  • Radar feels ripped off, as Chilean mag runs with something resembling one of their stories. Somewhere Kurt Andersen has a laugh. [NYT]
  • Selfless Tribune execs decline bonus money, content themselves with the mere $65 million they'll get when Sam Zell completes purchase. [Trib]
  • Jon Friedman slavishly praises Dave Zinczenko's brand management, gives Men's Health editor lesson in non-subpar oral. [MarketWatch]
  • Vogue publishing director Tom Florio claims Men's Vogue "launched" Barack Obama. Take that, David Axelrod! [WWD]