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We will admit to being more than a little excited for the the debut of Steven Spielberg's upcoming Fox competition On the Lot, as television sorely needs an American Idol (or, at the very least, a Project Runway) for Hollywood, and we've never quite gotten over Project Greenlight's tragically abbreviated run. (Gulager!) Today's Variety brings some breathtaking news about the series, reporting that Spielberg is stocking the show's firing squad with some big guns for its launch:

Carrie Fisher, Brett Ratner, Garry Marshall and Jon Avnet will serve as judges on the first round of "On the Lot," which debuts May 22 (behind the penultimate "American Idol"), and continues on May 24.

Show will start with a group of 50 applicants, who are sent to Los Angeles to attend a "Hollywood Boot Camp." They'll meet with the four judges and screen their personal submission film; as well as pitch their project; show and edit a short film within 24 hours; and then shoot a one-page scene within an hour.

Spielberg deserves credit for putting the show's welfare above his own pride, as embracing the hacky upstart who's beaten all of his records can't have been easy. And, as you can imagine, we can't wait for the series-defining moment that surely awaits in the premiere episode, when Ratner impatiently snatches a script page from a contestant hungry to soak up the young master's filmmaking advice, dramatically crumbles it into a ball, and drops some knowledge upon the hopeful: "Here's your first lesson at the B-Rat Film School: 'Scripts are for fucking pussies.' Just go out there and point the camera at everything that moves, and someone will find you a story in editing."