"Frolicking" Student Council Prez Steps Down

Meredith Dolgin has stepped down from the presidency of NYU's student council in the wake of not one but three separate scandals! The one that directly precipitated her resignation is of course the most boring (something about the improper disbanding of an election committee.) Here are the two fun ones.
- Dolgin paid her grandma $2,200 in university funds to speak at a university forum. The $200 was for transportation ... from Long Island. "The grandmother said that rather than take a livery cab, she paid her husband, Arnold, the $200 to drive her to the event. Asked about the cost, Arnold Rabinowitz told The Post, "There's gas involved."
- The Post also accuses Dolgin of "frolicking in a pumpkin patch" on the university's dime. "Dolgin called the trip 'an annual Student Council event ... I wish more people had chosen to attend,' she said in an e-mail." (Three people went, including Dolgin).
The Post goes ahead and makes the obvious and accurate joke that Dolgin has "a future in New Jersey politics," but it seems like she'd be pretty well suited to any elected office in the country, really.
Student Prez's 'F' In Ethics [NYP]
CAS Council Prez Defies Admin, Steps Down [WSN]