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Amazingly, when MSN TV conceived of an online advice column penned by not one, but both halves of the two-headed '80s Hollywood heartthrob hydra known as "the Coreys," both Corey Haim and Corey Feldman were available for the gig! Here's how it works:

Got a question about your relationship? Ask them. Need advice on breaking into the acting biz? Ask away. Want to know what it was like to work with Kiefer Sutherland? Ask them, already! The best questions will be featured in the column and answered personally by each Corey. So, go ahead, Corey-maniacs, ask away.

Yes, all you Corey-maniacs, i.e. all you 29- to 35-year-old women suffering from a stifling psychological condition that prevents you from letting go of the past: This is your lucky day! Finally, your former Tiger Beat coverboy crushes can address the burning issues holding you back from self-fulfillment, such as, "Dear Coreys: I once made my mother drive nine hours so I could see you at a mall appearance, and when I got there, they told me the event was overattended and turned me away, but that if I sent a letter to the address on a slip of paper, that you'd both send me autographed photos. Anyway, I never got those pictures, and ever since, I've had a string of abusive relationships and tumbled into a deadly cycle of addiction. Any advice? Signed, Jilted at the Galleria."