'Times' Conference Call Shockingly Informative!

Late this morning, New York Times Co. executives—not Mr. Pinch Sulzberger, though!—spoke on a conference call about the company's first-quarter results. We learned a thing or two! For one, we can look forward to additional issues of glossy T Beauty (doesn't that sound like a Boston light rail lady-pageant?) and real-estate magazine Key this year. Also, if you are one of the lucky 100,000 high-income households in (speaking of!) Boston and the surrounding area, you just may receive an issue of Fashion Boston, which we assume is kind of like T but made more boring for the Boston market.
Also, remember last July, when the Times announced it'd be reducing the width of its pages? That's happening in August for the Times, and in the fourth quarter for the Boston Globe. Easier subway reading! And those foreign bureaus that the company closed? Why, that was done "to focus on local coverage and journalism that most directly affects our readers." Other tidbits: The move to the new HQ will be complete by July, Times CEO Janet Robinson says "it's important for us to be very disciplined with regard to acquisitions," the hotel industry is "exploding" in Boston, the Times is increasing its English as a Second Language efforts "to increase the exposure in the immigrant market," and if you didn't take advantage of the old "deeply discounted introductory offer" for home delivery, you're out of luck, because it's been discontinued, you cheap bastard.