Old Man Too Busy Listening To Steve Inskeep To Learn About Imus Flap

David Broder—known as "the dean of the Washington press corps" because he taught a young H.L. Mencken how to read—offers his thoughts on the Imus affair and the Duke lacrosse incident today. Broder's columns usually read like a parody of, well, Broder columns, but this morning's missive is almost a parody of a parody of a Broder column.
I had never heard Imus's broadcast, because I am a longtime fan of NPR's "Morning Edition," which is on at the same time. I was stunned to learn how many of the journalists I admire had been regular guests on the program. Many are now having a hard time explaining their association.
God, it's like talking to our grandfather, except our grandfather has the good sense not to listen to NPR. Dave is also ticked about the suspicion cast on the young Duke players: "[H]ow often do we have to relearn the lesson that leaks from prosecutors can be biased and unfair? When will we start to think about the people who are hurt by our coverage? And when will we take our responsibilities seriously?"
Good question, Dave! WHEN? Do some Deaning and crack down on these journalists. They came in here and they trashed the place—and it's not their place!