Hardworking professional journalists understand that all of the action these days is happening on the Internets. After this Virginia Tech student posted an account of a friend's wounding, the media—from NPR to the Boston Herald to MTV to In Touch—went right into action for the get, showing the sense and skill that makes the profession the highly-regarded industry that it is.

Media Inquiry (Anonymous) 2007-04-16 06:49 pm UTC (link) This account sounds horrific - I'm so sorry for you and your friends. I'm with NPR and if you feel comfortable speaking to the media please email me at mmiller at npr (dot) org. We are trying to get the full story out to our audience. Thank you, Melissa

Boston Herald Hi, I hope that you and Kate are doing okay. I would love to chat with you about this horrific event. I understand that phones are not working well but maybe you can shoot me an email. I was wondering if blogging, MySpace, Facebook and Friendster are the best way to communicate while the phones are tangled.

Stay safe and I hope Kate recovers quickly.

Take care,
Kerry Purcell

Hi—I work for MTV News and we're sending two crews down to VT. They'll be interviewing students and other people affected by the tragedy. We'd be grateful if you or any of your friends would share your stories with our audience. Please contact me at alyssa.vitrano@mtvstaff.com if you'd be willing to talk to us. You guys are all in our thoughts.

please call me, im an abc news producer
or 212 456 7682

I'm sorry to hear about what has happened today.

I am a news reporter at The Guardian newspaper in London and we are hoping to get in touch with students who could give us a little more detail about what went on.
We are also looking for blogs about what happened that we could post on our website.

If you felt comfortable discussing this all further, please do get in touch. My email is lee.glendinning@guardian.co.uk

Best wishes,


Would like to get your story of this terrible tragedy. If you could call me asap I would really appreciate it.

Best wishes,

Tim Plant
In Touch Weekly


I work on a current affairs show on Australia's national youth radio station ... obviously I'm contacting you about the shooting.

We're keen to interview anyone from the campus who's interested in talking about what's happened.

It would be entirely your personal perspective, just whatever you're comfortable with.

It's now about 8pm your time, if you get this message in the next few hours, drop me a line at sharkey.ronan@abc.net.au and I'll call you back.


Ronan Sharkey
Triple j radio


2007-04-17 01:27 am UTC (link) Hi Paul-

I'm writing from CNN. We would like to speak with you and Katelyn about the horrific events of today.

Please call me at 917-751-5728 so we can talk.

Thank you very much and all of our thoughts are with your community at this difficult time

You stay classy, media!

Madness on Campus [Livejournal]