When I find myself in times of trouble, Alpha Kitty comes to me, speaking words of wisdom:

My thoughts and prayers are with all the victim's families, the survivors, the students and faculty of Virginia Tech. My friend Billy once wrote a song that had this line: "I don't know gone without goodbye." That rings so true in this situation - all the family and friends who lost someone without being able to say "I love you" one last time. I hope we can find the light in all this darkness, so we can gather together and create something good out of so much bad.

Amen, Atoosa! But wait ... "Gone Without Goodbye" was written by Backstreet Boy turned Christian Contemporary soulmeister Brian Littrell, right? Have the Virginia Tech atrocities caused Atoosa to forget the name of one of her own friends? Oy, the terrorists (or whatever) really have won. Oh, Billy Mann. Never mind. Atoosa has won.

A Tragedy [Atoosa's Myspace]