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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, and your tenth sighting gets a free selection from our pastry case! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and give Macaulay Culkin's My Girl love interest Anna Chlumsky serious cause for concern.

In today's episode: Jessica Simpson and Charlize Theron; Hilary Swank; Kiefer Sutherland; Quentin Tarantino; Rob Reiner and Rebecca DeMornay; Morrissey; Giovanni Ribisi; Ike Barinholtz; David Cross; Mario Lopez and Anna Chlumsky; Andre 3000; Little Richard; Jason Hervey; Judy Greer and Babyface.

· April 9 - The Killers show at Staples. Spied Jessica Simpson scooting in last minute into a lower level seat with Ken Paves and a few other people I didn't recognize. No sign of John Mayer. Lots of commotion when everyone realized it was her; I felt vaguely bad for her because everyone gawking like a bunch of lunatics. Then I realized she looked pretty damn hot, so who cares if they stare?

Post-show, noticed that Charlize Theron was sitting one section over from Jessica. She's super tall and thin as all get out. Looked like it was a "girls' night" kind of crew for her.

Honestly, neither Jessica nor Charlize held a candle to one Brandon Flowers. Dude is one hot Mormon.

· Hilary Swank at Café Vida in the Palisades (4-11). She was alone, tapping away on her cell, and looking very skinny.

· 4/9: 6:30pm Walked by Kiefer Sutherland sitting with two men at an outdoor table at Figaro on Vermont in Los Feliz. Something awful was happening with his face, was it a laser peel? Just bad skin? Scary!

· 11:45 pm, April 10th, I was standing outside the Laemmle 5 theatre on sunset, when my friend nonchalantly says "I think that's Quentin Tarantino walking down the stairs." I thought he was joking, but as I turned around, there he was. Two of his fanboys found him and were gushing about his appearances at the New Beverley. He seemed really nice, talked to them, shook their hands and took pictures with them. He was wearing a black leather jacket and a backpack.

· Worked the "Fracture" premiere last night (4-11). Did not see the two stars of the film as I mostly away from the crowds. But after the film I did see Rob Reiner chatting with Rebecca DeMornay. He looks good and has lost a lot of weight. In fact he may be close to the size he was in "All in the Family" four decades ago.
Ms. DeMornay was still looking good although covered up from head to toe. If any surgery was done it was well worth it as she looks very radiant in her late 40's.

· Hey Guys: I just saw Morrissey at the Belair (4-10) eating a late lunch with a lawyer type. I checked as I approached to see if he was eating meat...nope. I said hello and asked if he was still in the music business...he smiled and said: "Yes, I am starting the Vigina Monologues"!

I laughed and wished him well with that.

· Spotted Giovanni Ribisi at The Grove on Good Friday afternoon. The Grove was packed. How do Americans celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior? The same way they celebrate everything else: with shopping. Giovanni was at The Farm, ordering food from the counter. He was wearing jeans and a black, leather motorcycle jacket. He looked taller (about 5'8") and skinnier than I'd have guessed, and his thinning hair was dark brown. He was kind of incognito, but with that distinct, nasally voice he was hard to miss.

· Friday April 6. Whilst (am American, but just love how Brit and snobby that sounds) standing in line to purchase an iPod Shuffle (at the Apple Store) stood behind Ike Barinholtz from MADtv who seemed to check in and out in about 2 seconds flat. Special service for stars of 2nd banana comedy sketch shows? Had a Boston baseball cap on and carried a man-purse. Not so hot in person and I would never have recognized him if not for assistance of celebuwhore friend. 10 seconds later, same friend screeches, "it's Giovanni Ribisi walking up the stairs! Eeeek!" (OK, I added that part). He's VERY tiny, yet kinda hot in a brooding, outsiderish way. Did I mention he's super short? But had a nice caboose. Had a leather jacket on and was carrying a helmet. Do all scientologists ride motorcycles?

· Saw a predictably low key David Cross and a small group of friends at the Roost on Los Feliz last Tuesday night. Totally caught him looking at me a few times. Must be cuz I'm so pretty and not at all because I had planted myself in his eye line (corner of the bar next to the bathrooms).

· Hey. I was downtown last night (4-12) looking for a birthday party at an impossible to find Irish pub, anyways there was like 12 different shoots going on in a 4 block radius and I was held up by one that was on the sidewalk I needed to pass by and I saw Mario Lopez and a girl that one of the crew said was ANNA CHLUMSKY From "My Girl" and "Gold Diggaz"!! She was beautiful and I dont doubt its her but it was WEIRD seeing this girl after ten years of her being my imaginary girlfriend ;-) ANyways I think the production was for TV pilot (PLEASE let them pick it up I think I love her all over again :-) called "8 days" OH YEAH !! I forgot to mention I think Sean Hayes from Will and grace is directing or producing it !! ( Sorry got caught up in my old schoolyard crush and left that out)

· Runyon Canyon, Tuesday, April 10th, Andre 3000 on a meditative hike all by himself

· Went to Toast for some lunch (4-11) and sitting outside on the patio was Justin Kirk of "Weeds" fame.

· 1.) Little Richard wheeled into the Delta terminal at LAX with his entourage on March 30. He was in a wheelchair wearing sequined shoes. A member of his entourage was giving out religious books of inspiration along with an autographed picture.

2.) Jason Hervey, the mean brother of "The Wonder Years", sitting at Starbucks in Beverly Glen April 12.

· This week several friends had emailed me two very funny Judy Greer items on the internets: (1) her very funny turn in the TV Set trailer and (2) the unique photo accompanying her Wikipedia entry. So it was especially zany that I saw Ms. Greer aka Kitty Sanchez walking down Larchmont Wed afternoon. I considered telling her that she's adorable and asking if she'd like to go for coffee but she was already holding a cup of coffee. Also, I didn't want to get maced.

· 4/7 - Eddie Murphy's girlfriend's ex-husband, Babyface, in full dad mode escorting a bunch of little boys around the Century City mall food court on Saturday.