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It's a big day for Shia LaBeouf: Not only does his movie Disturbia (about a dystopic future in which dinner-spoiling telemarketers rule the world) open, but Steven Spielberg has made official the already confirmed, then denied, now super-duper reconfirmed news that the young actor will indeed be co-starring in Indy 4:

"We are excited about bringing Shia into our Indy family," Spielberg said in a statement on the "Indiana Jones" Web site.

"His talent has impressed not only his audiences throughout his young career but the directors, producers and fellow actors who have worked with him in his television career and now his film career."

Paramount reps declined to say exactly which member of the Indy family LaBeouf will be playing, but we hope, per his own stated wishes, that it will allow him to graduate from the boy roles he's tackled so far in his "young career," rather than just casting him as Indy's gawky teenage son, and subjecting audiences to any awkward father-son Nazis-and-the-bees talks that would ultimately just stall the action.