Seann William Scott Comfortable With His Victoria's-Secret-Model-Banging Heterosexuality

Defamer readers might recall a post from late last July regarding a NY Daily News sighting, which put Most Powerful Gay in the Universe David Geffen on the arm of Seann William Scott, aka That Dude Who Managed To Spin Stiffler Into A Reasonably Successful Movie Career That Peaked Two Years Ago, at an L.A. gay bar. A mere nine months later, Page Six is happy to offer the real scoop on the actor, with a clarifying item that doesn't at all feel like a publicist-planted tip about the hyper-heterosexual, Victoria's Secret-model-fucking habits of their not at all gay—but entirely comfortable with the concept!—client:
"AMERICAN Pie" star Sean William Scott [sic] is very comfortable with his sexuality - so much so that when another paper claimed Scott had shown up with David Geffen at "Heat," a nonexistent L.A. gay bar, he didn't even bother to correct them. Maybe it's because he was too busy laughing.
Scott showed up at Upper East Side eatery Phillipe the other night with his longtime girlfriend, Victoria's Secret model Deanna Miller, and enjoyed a two-hour dinner while engaging in some major public displays of affection. Onlookers say they looked "very much in love and were all over each other." A friend of Scott said the two have quietly been dating for more than two years.
We always had our suspicions about the sighting (though the Defamer Correspondent on Chickenhawk-Related Activities tells us the bar in question was probably "Tigerheat," the gay dance club frequented by Britney Spears whenever she needs some cheering up by way of watching her security detail taser overly enthusiastic fans), but with this report of a dinner featuring fine champagne sipped from intertwined arms, lots of lingerie-model face-sucking, and Scott spinning around repeatedly to shout to neighboring tables, "Can you believe how not gay I am? It's like, ridiculous, right?" we are now 100% convinced of its fraudulence.