Getting Down To Business With Bravo's Horny Lesbian Trainer Jackie Warner

For a reality series set in the not-exactly-profound world of an L.A.-based private gym, Bravo's Workout manages to pack quite a bit into every episode, with omnipresent cameras capturing the exploits of its cast of personal trainers—a diverse group with passionate opinions on topics spanning the gamut from effective crunch techniques to unflattering tanktop cuts. But viewers last night were treated to more than we have ever seen of sexually insatiable Queen Bee Jackie Warner, who remains distressingly oblivious to the zooming lens just inches away capturing her every sapphic seduction. (Watch her go in for the kill here, after a little mood-enhancing bubbly and Chihuahua-assisted foreplay.) She describes her own reaction to the episode on her blog:
What do I have to say about episode 4? OMG!!!! [...]
First off, you can't imagine how uncomfortable it is to have chemistry and kisses on camera — but I obviously managed to do it — ha-ha. I was surprised at the decision to allow so much racy footage, and whoever cut in the cheesy piano/sax music needs to leave the production! (Just kidding, Lauren.) [...]
Think about this — one week's shooting for me (roughly 12 hours a day, six days week) ends up being cut into the one hour show you all see. Tons of stuff goes on during that time, but it's edited down to make a cohesive story.
We are shocked, though eternally grateful, to Warner for finally pulling back the curtain and revealing reality TV producers for the cynical manipulators they truly are, who'd think nothing of leaving perfectly good footage of Jackie sorting through squash at a Whole Foods on the cutting room floor in favor a scene in which she and a pair of Danish Pilates-instructor twins she met at a fitness expo spend 20 minutes cavorting on a trampoline before retiring to their hotel room for a good-natured info-swap.