'South Park' Dream Of Sending A Nuke Up Hillary Clinton's Vagina One Step Closer To Reality
There comes a point in every long-running, Peabody Award-winning series' lifespan when its creative team is faced with the artistic dilemma, "Well, we've already done the episode where Oprah's asshole and vagina find themselves in a doomed hostage situation. Where to go from there?" In South Park's case, it was to send a nuclear missile up Hillary Clinton's ladyflower, in a recent, 24-inspired episode entitled The Snuke. (Viacom's YouTube-scouring stormtroopers have already shot on sight anyone suspected to have posted clips, but here's a CNN report about it that, amazingly, never once utters the word "vagina.") A jubilant South Park staffer wrote to tell us about the exciting delivery that soon arrived at the production offices:
Apparently, the guys at 24 enjoyed the episode, because they sent us one of their prop suitcase nukes couried by a PA, with an attached plaque that read "from your friends at 24" and with a thank you note saying "here's your very own snuke".
needless to say, we freaking LOVE this thing.
Further details are at the South Park production blog, where you can see more photos of Matt and Trey mentally calculating the practical logistics of squeezing a nuclear bomb up a famous woman's sex-parts. The staff's giddy enthusiasm for their shiny, potentially Valencia-eviscerating new toy is positively infectious—like children on a nuclear winter morning!—as is the thought of TV shows reaching out to one another across network lines. Still, we'd caution against phasing out Snookies baskets for suitcase nukes as the congratulatory industry gesture of choice, as all it takes is one curious assistant's finger and the question "What's THIS button do?" for Canada to finally win its chance to swoop in and fill the scorched-earth Hollywood void.