The Seven Little Errors of Brian Williams' Wikipedia Entry

"And now, apparently because encyclopedias were too exact, we have Wikipedia, the inexact encyclopedia. We don't get hung up on facts. In my entry alone there are seven errors, and I'm completely unimportant."
That's "NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams, speaking to a room of NYU journalism students last week. We love us some Brian Williams—note the self-effacement and humility in that statement! Brian, you are too important! You read the news on the nation's second most-watched nightly news program. Anyway, we sifted through Williams' Wikipedia entry in order to see what those errors might be. After careful consideration, we're pretty sure we've got them figured.
- Once ate a whole baked potato in two bites.
- Williams was responsible for disastrous "Operation Eagle Claw" mission to rescue hostages during administration of U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
- Williams has bigger dick than both Charles Gibson and Katie Couric combined.
- In a December 2004 interview with C-Span's Brian Lamb, Williams proclaimed that he is a longtime listener of The Rush Limbaugh Show . And also Imus, Michael Savage, and the "Ku Klux Klan Old-Timey Hate Hour."
- Williams is known to have been a big Dale Earnhardt fan, even visiting Earnhardt a few times. Williams once referred to Earnhardt rival Jeff Gordon as "that baby-faced cocksucker" on the air, which resulted in a two week suspension.
- Williams is a big New York Giants fan. On Conan O'Brien, Williams announced he "bleeds Giants blue. And after this season, I'm bleeding it rectally."
- Has appeared three times on The Daily Show as a celebrity guest and interviewed by Jon Stewart, most recently on Tuesday, August 8th, 2006. Has watched The Daily Show three times, most recently on Tuesday, August 8th, 2006.
- Brian Williams Weighs In on New Media [We Want Media]