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Michael Jackson, currently touched down in Vegas and developing his plans for a 50-foot-tall, laser-shooting robot equipped with luxury, crotch-level suites for high rollers, has found himself distracted with the possibility of yet more legal entanglements, as he mulls taking action against the owners of a warehouse full of repossessed Jackson family memorabilia who plan on putting up the contents for auction:

More than 1,100 Jackson family items are set for auction in Las Vegas next month, but a representative for Michael Jackson says the pop star is considering legal action to stop the sale. [...]

Guernsey's auction house said items include Michael Jackson's gold record for his Thriller album, handwritten lyrics for The Jackson Five hit ABC and a "Victory Tour" program signed by Jackson family members. [...]

The former owner, Henry Vaccaro, claimed a warehouse full of Jackson memorabilia after a failed business venture wound up in bankruptcy court. Michael Jackson and his sister Janet Jackson sued to stop Vaccaro from taking ownership, but a Los Angeles judge threw out Michael Jackson's claim in 2006.

The auction comes at precisely the moment Jackson could use an extra couple hundred million to bankroll his monolithic desert cyborg's titanium siding, but, sadly, should it proceed, the deposed pop monarch won't see a penny of the proceeds—not even the lot featuring a mummified Bubbles in custom-tailored tuxedo, which, expert appraisers predict, could bring in somewhere in the low seven figures, to say nothing of his "Congratulations On Your 75th Nosejob" Certificate, a rare and valuable memento signed and certified by the Plastic Surgeons' Board of America.