Governor Spitzer looks more presidential in his hand-held mirror every day. "The Steamroller," universally acknowledged to have received a fairly savage drubbing in the recent state budget negotiations, still thinks he came out a winner. Highly indictable Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno had some choice words regarding his recent whipping—and now Gov. Wash and Fold is trying for a snappy come-back.

"The only person I know who should be gloating is the taxpayer in the state of New York, because I won on every issue," Mr. Spitzer said. "If he's gloating, he misunderstands what happened. Healthcare reform, education reform, property-tax reform, fiscal discipline — these are the issues I fought for and these are the issues I won.

The Governor then stepped into his magic flying car, which whisked him back to the majestic shining bubble in the clouds which he calls home.

Spitzer: 'I Won on Every Issue' [NYT]
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