Let the Times have their Vows and the Post their... well, whatever they want to call it! Another publication has quietly muscled into the weddings announcement game—and the barrier to entry is much higher than either of those two rags. We're talking, of course, about 02138 magazine's online Loves column, which sporadically highlights a Harvard alum's nuptial bliss. Take Katherine Dowling, J.D. '98, and Marc Axelbaum's wedding in the Blue Ridge mountains. It's all so urban haute-bourgeois you could just die.


Katherine is...an assistant United States attorney in San Francisco.

Marc is...a senior associate in the San Francisco branch of the law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw & Pittman.

The two lawyers met...on a bicycle excursion in 2003.


The Pacific Coast Century Ride...was their first date. Marc invited Katherine to join him on the 100-mile trek from Carmel to Cambria, California.


On a "random, Wednesday night"...Marc blindfolded Kate after picking her up from work. Her first thought was: "are we getting engaged?" [Ed Note: Oddly enough, it wasn't "am i getting stabbed to death?"]

Marc's grand plan...was to propose at the Marina Headlands while the two enjoyed scenic views of the Golden Gate Bridge. The sun had set by the time the couple reached the lookout, but Katherine still said yes.


From her undergrad days at UVA...Katherine recalled Keswick Hall, a luxury hotel in Charlottesville at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The couple arranged to rent the entire facility for a weekend long wedding celebration.

Threatening weather...drove the 200 guests inside for the ceremony.

The sun was shining...the following day as the celebration continued. Blue skies and a small band made a picnic outing at a local apple orchard particularly memorable. The group later returned to Keswick for tea and a game of croquette.
The Honeymoon

As avid scuba divers...the couple chose to visit Bali, the islands of Maldives, Hong Kong and Singapore on the three week excursion.

They were especially impressed...by the sting rays swimming among other fish in the coral reefs. The intimacy of the small, sandy islands was balanced by time spent in the big cities.
The Plan

Katherine's Victorian house...will become the couple's new home. Katherine started restoring the house when she bought it in 2003. Marc is still moving in.

Katherine Dowling J.D. '98 and Marc Axelbaum [02138]