Accused Rapist Designer Counteraccuses Alleged Victims Of Being Bitter Fame-Whores

The nasty business surrounding local fashion designer and accused rapist Anand Jon (unbelievably cheesy official website here) until now has rested safely in the "we don't care" category, but with four more aspiring models having emerged to tell their frightening tales of go-see's turned forced-sex ugly, we must finally turn our attention to the increasingly not-so-nice-seeming man menacingly clutching a pair of fabric scissors:
Anand Jon, who has appeared on the popular television show "America's Next Top Model," is now charged with 32 counts involving sexual assaults on 12 victims, all women or girls from 14 to 23 years old with ties to the fashion industry.
His attorney has said the sex was consensual and that the women falsely accused Jon because he did not make them famous.
Jon's defense that the accusations arose because he did not uphold his end of the sex-for-fame Hollywood bargain could set a dangerous legal precedent, forcing every starlet-exploiting producer in town to clumsily interrupt moments of casting couch passion to have his consensual partners sign a waiver making no guarantees that their sexual encounter will end in fame.