Keeping Up With The 'Indecision' Sales Figs

INDECISION SOLD HOW MANY COPIES IN HARDCOVER? BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS A HUGE SALES FLOP? WHAT THE.... If that was also your reaction to reading about the sales of Ben Kunkel's Indecision in New York mag today, come over here and take some deep cleansing breaths with us. Our need for this not to be true was so great that we emailed New York's Boris Kachka to ask about the discrepancy between Bookscan's numbers (15,121 copies sold in hardcover and 26,221 in paperback) and this figuring. In short, the magazine had goofed by saying hardcover when they really meant hardcover plus paperback—and cited Random House as the source of the info. Let's take the warm fuzzies we're all feeling right now and send them in Ben Kunkel's direction: he'll need them when it comes time for his sophomore effort's publication.
Debut Novelists and Their NYT Book Review Covers [NYM]