The revolving doors at the Voice continue to spin: This time it's senior art critic Jerry Saltz doing the departing. Saltz, who had been with the paper since 1998, is headed to New York, where he'll replace Mark Stevens, who has some kind of book deal and takes a contributing editor title. Full memo from Voice chief Tony Ortega after the jump.


Jerry Saltz has let me know that he's accepted a post with New York magazine as their newest art critic.

Jerry has been at the Voice since 1998 and was a 2001 Pulitzer finalist for his work here. He has delivered lectures at the most prestigious museums and universities in the country.

While we're very disappointed to lose such a distinctive voice at the paper, we wish him the very best in his new position. Jerry is one of the city's most well-respected critics — I know he'll continue doing outstanding work for his new editors just as he's done at the Voice for so long.

Please join me in congratulating him.
