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Celebrity divorce lawyer appointment confirmation service reports that—right now—recovering Cokeaholic Britney Spears and estranged househusband Kevin Federline are huddling with their bad-idea-reversing barrister at her Century City offices, putting the final touches on a settlement that would give Spears primary child-endangerment rights going forward and provide Federline enough cash to maintain the levels of ridiculousness in his kick game to which he's become accustomed. Our own operatives on the scene seem to confirm negotiations are proceeding apace:

· 3/29 at 2:30. K-Fed smoking a cigarette outside of our building in Century City. He was all smiles and was with an older guy who had to be a lawyer. According to TMZ, Britney is also in our building and they're meeting with their lawyers. We saw K-Fed a second time at 4:00 and by the look on his face, things went very well.

· I work in 2029 Century Park East (twin towers of Century City) and just saw Britney & KFed outside the building lobby. First time around passing them, they were deep into their conversation as 3 bodyguards looked on. Very low traffic in the lobby except for building attendants.

I went to Coffee Bean then quickly headed back to the building, and she started to smoke. She was wearing her usual fedora, a camel-colored spandex top w/ the back cut out, but w/ long sleeves. Wasn't focused on KFed too much, but he was wearing a white shirt. Def. in the neighborhood because her dentist is at the Century City hospital across the st. to get work on her molars/teeth whitening OR to see her divorce lawyer, Ms. Wasser, who is in our building.

We promise to pass along any subsequent reports by our spies that might shed light on the results of the settlement, such as a jubilent Federline high-fiving a building security guard and bragging, "I get a million dollars and I don't have to take care of the damn kids? I'd marry that drunk bitch and fill her up with my babies again tomorrow!"