Paris Hilton Stupid Act Not Fooling L.A. Prosecutors

Paris Hilton's fate has hung precariously in the balance since a speeding stop last month found America's Troubled Party Whorelet driving with a suspended license while on probation for a DUI. The D.A.'s office, perhaps having caught wind of past fracases in which Hilton slyly feigned idiocy for her own legal gain, are suggesting she knew very well of the status of her suspended license, and are requesting a revocation of her probation that could pave the way for hard time:
"We're confident we have sufficient evidence to prove that her license was suspended and that she had knowledge of that suspension," said Nick Velasquez, a spokesman for the city attorney's office. He declined to elaborate on the evidence, citing an ongoing investigation.
Hilton could face up to 90 days in jail if a judge finds she violated her probation, Velasquez said. A hearing was scheduled for April 17.
While we have predicted in the past that the recalcitrant fragrance mogul might surprise us all by blossoming during her stint in the big house—emerging with a teardrop tattoo, a newfound allegiance to Allah, and insisting she be addressed only by her new cellblock moniker of "La-Z-Eye"—we'd still caution that it's still a bit hasty in the judicial proceedings to start needlepointing your bon voyage pillows. The Teflon Heiress and her crack defense team still have a few tricks up their sleeves, including their planned courttroom bombshell that Hilton was in fact not operating the vehicle at all that night, but was merely a passenger being safely escorted home in the world's most elaborate R/C toy Bentley, operated by remote-control-wielding flackservant, Elliot Mintz.