• Are Ron Burkle & Eli Broad back in the Tribune game? How will Sam Zell's bid work? When will this fucking story ever end? [LAT]
  • Conrad Black takes time off from being tried for fraud to attend a book party in Toronto. Lady Black, on the reporters she called "vermin" and "slut": "They know who they are and what they did." [Toronto Sun]
  • Brian Williams burps "Battle Hymn of the Republic," press corps and President Bush share a good laugh as nation continues its downward spiral. [B&C]
  • Will Jared Paul Stern's lawsuit dash Hillary's presidential hopes? We don't know, is there really a chance that her name will still be on it if it even reaches trial? [Boston Phoenix]
  • Rachel Marsden [Who? -Ed.] Canadian conservative co-host of "Red Eye" [What? -Ed.], Fox News' 2 a.m. shit-show for people who like to have the sound of the television on in the other room to deter burglars, is sort of a creepy stalker who knows a thing or two about questionable rape accusations. [Salon; Warning: This morning's ad featured Matt Damon.]
  • Wheel continues to spin at Conde Nast: new Golf for Women publisher. Meanwhile, at Meredith, the publisher of the recently aborted Child moves into the same slot at Fitness. [AdAge]
  • The Los Angeles Times will pretty much print anything. So, apparently, will Slate. [Radosh]
  • Primedia gets a new CEO. [Blooomberg]