Mia Farrow Probably Kills Chances Of 'Indy 4' Cameo After Likening Spielberg To Nazi Filmmaker
Trailblazing celebrity orphan collector Mia Farrow has co-penned a scathing op-ed in the WSJ with her son (currently available to subscribers only). Titled "The 'Genocide Olympics,'" it lambastes 2008 Olympics host China for "pouring billions of dollars into Sudan," where a horrific genocide continues in the Darfur region. (George Clooney and Brad Pitt have been begging you to care about this for ages now. Was anybody listening?) Most shocking of all, Farrow targets Steven Spielberg, whom she has the—chutzpah, we believe is the appropriate term here—to liken to Adolph Hitler's right-hand helmer, Leni Riefenstahl:
"That so many corporate sponsors want the world to look away from that atrocity during the games is bad enough. But equally disappointing is the decision of artists like director Steven Spielberg — who quietly visited China this month as he prepares to help stage the Olympic ceremonies — to sanitize Beijing's image," they wrote.
"Is Mr. Spielberg, who in 1994 founded the Shoah Foundation to record the testimony of survivors of the Holocaust, aware that China is bankrolling Darfur's genocide?"
"Does Mr. Spielberg really want to go down in history as the Leni Riefenstahl of the Beijing Games?" they wrote.
Criticizing Spielberg is an almost unheard of practice in Hollywood, as it is widely believed that such an action will instantly result in swift, lightning-bolt retribution from above. We daren't imagine the vengeful results of likening the director of Schindler's List to a legendary Nazi-glorifier in the pages of one of America's most respected newspapers, though we wouldn't be surprised if Farrow suddenly found herself pinned today by a crescent-shaped moon that dropped inexplicably from the sky, only to be finished off moments later by the tumbling, barefoot boy who accidentally gores her with a fishing pole.