• The Onion, it turns out, has been nursing a master plan for domination for untold years. Either that or it's April 1 on Sunday. But we're pretty sure they're serious. Also, The Onion News Network is all about the communist-daycare style YouTube clip-sharing. Why? Because they are not idiots. [Variety]
  • Celebrities too lazy to blog! [Guardian]
  • People are shooting at Voice communications manager—excuse us, P.R. Director—Maggie Shnayerson! Also, she will be a lady publisher someday soon. [PR Week]
  • Conrad Black trial: "Just funnel some of that money into my personal account, thanks." [AP]
  • AMI editorial director Bonnie Fuller's annual car service budget capped at $80K. [Radar]
  • The Week publisher Carolyn Kremins returns to Conde Nast, where she'll be VP/publisher of Cookie. That's the job with the all-you-can-eat baby buffet! The baby test kitchen is a marvel to behold. [WWD]
  • YouTube gives out first annual awards. Viacom products win nothing! [ZDNet]
  • Graydon Carter supposedly works editorial supplement with Anna Wintour. [Radar]
  • Ooh, look out LA Times! Your ombudsman Jamie Gold is investigating all your recent hubbub! Maybe you'll all be spanked in a single short column in the opinion section! Now—who the hell is pulling the short straw to be Joel Stein's new editor? [LAT]
  • WSJ debuts "Deal Journal" blog. Way to dominate the marketplace, tardy! Well, we hope those other finance-world blogs like Dealbreaker and Dealbook are happy to make its acquaintance. [DJ]