Sympathetic Mel Gibson Suggests Sticklers For Mayan Historical Accuracy Fuck Off And Make Their Own Movie

Since graduating with honors from his outpatient "ongoing program of recovery" (aka Jewhab), Malibu's Ambassador of Tolerance Mel Gibson has skillfully managed to avoid further embarrasing Don Julio-fueled dust-ups with members of warmongering and/or tit-sugaring minority communities. His Mayan-mutilating masterwork Apocalypto, however, continues to sit like a blowdart in the side of certain Mayan descendants, like professor Alicia Estrada, who earned the auteur's wrath when she challenged his Melicized take on Latin American history at his recent Cal State Northridge speaking appearance:
Alicia Estrada, an Assistant Professor of Central American Studies at CSUN, challenged Gibson, asking him if he had read about the Mayan culture before shooting the controversial film. Gibson said he had.
Estrada persisted, stating that representations in the movie that the Mayans engaged in sacrificial ceremonies and had bloodthirsty tendencies were both wrong and racist. Estrada and others tell TMZ that Gibson exploded in anger, responding, "Lady, F**k off."
The emotional Mayan members were escorted out of the room, and we're told Gibson screamed a parting shot — "Make your own movie!"
TMZ has since updated their story with a statement from Gibson's flack, who says, "This person was a heckler who was rude and disrupted the event, so much so that the event organizers had to escort her out." It's unfortunate that what could have been an excellent opportunity for artist and academic to open channels of communication quickly devolved into an obscenity-filled screaming match, leaving Gibson with no choice but to silence Estrada's claims that he exploited her culture for his own, selfish storytelling needs with a dismissive, "500 years ago, a mouthy broad like you'd be tethered to a stone altar with your still-beating heart high above my head!"