Take The Phil Spector Jury Selection Challenge!

The onerous search to find an impartial jury to determine whether or not music producer/recent strategic lesbian makeover recipient Phil Spector shot actress Lana Clarkson in the face has begun, with over 100 prospective jurors being subjected to an 18-page questionnaire aimed at determining whether a candidate is either virulently prejudiced against the celebrity race or so naive about the widespread preferential treatment of the famous that their answers reveal a possible diminished mental capacity. We've excerpted the "Attitudes About Celebrities And High-Profile People" section of the questionnaire above (click here for a bigger version), allowing you to take an inventory of your own complicated feelings about your celebrated betters, a handy self-evaluation tool that could help you sail through the jury selection process should you ever be called upon to sit in judgment upon an actor you'd really like to see do some hard time.