Working in advertising always seemed depressing, but wait! Publicis employees, you're in luck! Tomorrow, New York magazine is swinging by your office—as they are with a whole bunch of other offices in town—to take pics for an "Office Life" photo essay, and all you have to do is act NATURAL. Act natural, Eric Cosper! Yeah that's right. Just like that. Yeah, baby.

From the office memo:

The essay is meant to be an anthropological study of office life, and in our case, a creative working environment in New York, the city that never sleeps. NY Magazine wants to give their readers a sense of the culture and the people, from the receptionist to the mail room and office services department, to the Creative Department, the Engagement Planners, the Account Groups, to the Chief Executive and Creative Officers...and will be doing this at several New York companies representing several different industries. Everyone should know that the NY Magazine photographer will be here TOMORROW all day long, walking around, shooting "fly on the wall" style, hoping to catch very NATURAL shots of a day in the life of a New York Advertising Agency. Here are some things to keep in mind. Try not to pay attention to the crew...or play to the camera...unless you are asked to. As for dress code, that's up to you ...but remember, you (and that outfit) just might make it into the pages of a future New York Magazine!

Maybe they'll even do food diaries!

Earlier: Food Diary Faceoff: Emily Gould Vs. Anne Slowey