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Former Seventeen editor and current MySpace queen Atoosa Rubenstein is going to the prom! Okay, not really—but she is going on a television program to discuss the prom. And she wants to include some tips from YOU. Yes: YOU. "Do YOU have any advice for parents about prom? Think about a parent who is terrified that their kid is going to get super drunk, do drugs, have sex or whatever. Is there anything sneaky that parent can do to protect their kid and feel more at ease on prom night?" Trans: "Please sell out your fellow teenagers." Guess what? Atoosa's tribe doesn't immediately get behind her on this one, for some reason!

Atoosa's MySpace friend Juicy voices a representative sentiment: "If you try to sneak around and spy, then that could cause more problems, and then your child might not trust you anymore, because we will find out, we always find out! It will be less pressure on them if you just tell them what you expect and also that way they will know you trust them and wouldn't want to lose your trust!!!!!"

There's a lesson there, Atoosa. Why are you telling the parents how to be sneaky? Whose side are you on, anyway?

And then there's this chick, who might have to become our new BFF for skanks-nights-out:

I say if you want to be a be an annoying parent and ruin one of the most fun nights your kid will have, and be able to look back on and be like "woah i was a crazy motherfucker" then just look in their purses for flasks, drop them off at the prom, watch them go in, and then pick them up right after. As for me, my parents were awesome and let me go to prom with a college guy and then go camping in a bunch of cabins with all of our friends. We drank, we ran over things with golf carts, made out, set things on fire... it was amazing. And i look at pics i have, and tell friends now my stories and people are jealous, like WOAH my prom sucked, looked like you had an awesome time. I guess it just depends on if you think your kid is a dumbass and can't handle going out to a party afterwards. I think by the time prom rolls around you are old enough to go party with your friends on this special night. We all have to lose our V-card at one point or another! heh heh.

Need Your Help Re: Prom [MySpace]