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New York's current issue works the well-worn "New York vs. [INSERT CITY HERE]" territory that local editors have been so thankful for lo these many years. This time around London is the other burg, and the questions are fast and furious: Who's the world's financial center? Who's got better food? Who's having better sex? It's essentially the stuff that you see in New York (or Time Out) each week, but this time with an opposing team. Sneaked in amongst the comparisons, though, is "Which City Is a Bigger Terror Target?," one of the more bizarre "mine's bigger" arguments we've heard in a while. The general consensus seems to be that New York is safer (See, advertisers? Nothing to worry about!), but can we just suggest that maybe we gather together in some kind of transatlantic alliance and point a finger towards Los Angeles? Or Dallas, maybe? After all, we've both already given at the office.

Which City Is a Bigger Terror Target? [NYM]