Columnist of the Century Andrea Peyser cannot get enough of beefy virgin Herb Shaw. She follows up on last week's story about the prospective "I Want To Fuck a Porn Star" contestant with the happy news that, so far, seven women who saw his story in the Post have contacted him in the hopes of finding the last man in New York without a wife, a boyfriend, and herpes. Peyser, whose appearance at the audition caused producers to worry that they lacked enough of the unlaid, tries to sound hopeful for Herb, but it seems clear that she wants him to save himself for the porn star, or, at least, someone more deserving. Someone with, say, a column at the Post? Either way, look at the photo of Herb and his father. Let's just say that if that guy—and is he also Bam Margera's dad?— got some, Herb shouldn't have too many problems.

Earlier: Andrea Peyser's Pay-Per-View Fantasies
Related: Reality Bites [NYS]