• Conrad Black trial driving Canadian reporters crazy. [Toronto Star]
  • Viacom big into online advertising; Joe Nocera enlists his teen to help explain the Viacom/YouTube battle to old people. [NYT]
  • Annie Leibovitz sells Paris apartment to Jann Wenner. We're not sure whether to go with a "tidying up" joke or one about Jann being "a free man in." Oh wait, Jane! Jane Wenner. Hmm. [WWD]
  • A slightly dry sociological bit from the U.K. on why the news is better in Europe than America. [Independent]
  • Helen Thomas regains front row seat in White House Press Room originally given to her during Van Buren administration. [E&P]
  • Who will replace WSJ's Paul Steiger as managing editor? Some white dude, apparently. [Talking Biz News, via Romenesko]
    Cookie's Eva Dillion leaves Conde Nast for Reader's Digest. [FishbowlNY]
  • Celebrity coverage moves magazines, bears defecate in forested areas. [Mediaweek]
  • David Carr on collaborative virtual newsrooms. Do not read while operating heavy machinery. [NYT]
  • Tracy Morgan one more season away from collecting unemployment. [B&C]
  • Anything godlike genius Chris Morris does is worthy of note; this time it's a comedy about suicide bombers. [Independent]
  • Village Voice Media facing insurrection, competition in the O.C. [LAT]
  • Rachel Sklar: not only Canadian and stacked, but "gracious." [AdAge]