What a time for a young gossip columnist's drugs to permanently kick-in—beneath the short-ceilinged Graydon Carter nest that lurks across the street from Harvey Weinstein's endlessly-renovating townhouse. (Or maybe we meant "peeks," and so did Spencer, probably, when he wrote "Eddie Vedder looked upward, his face peaking out from a tangle of rangy locks." How high? So high!) Ha, we're being so mean and nitpicky—the peace is actually very good! Piece. Sorry. Glass houses! Anyway! Spencer's thesis is that, while in some ways Graydon Carter's Waverly Inn is the new Elaine's, in other ways, well, it isn't. But if one reduces his work to a list of proper nouns, it becomes a handy way to define the Waverly Inn itself!

Who eats at the Waverly Inn (per this article)?
Sean Penn
Eddie Vedder
Tim Robbins
Naomi Watts
Jason Patric
Lenny Kravitz
Russell Simmons
(celebrity photographer) Sante D'Orazio
(publicist) Bobby Zarem
Michael Gross
Calvin Klein
Ann Hathaway
Fran Lebowitz
Post editor Col Allan
"Gwen" Paltrow
John McEnroe
Liev Schreiber
Grove/Atlantic publisher Morgan Entrekin
his novelist Richard Ford
Jennifer Aniston
BlackBook magazine editor Steve Garbarino
Ellen Barkin

Who eats at Elaine's (as per this article)?
Felicity Kendal, who has "the best ass in London"
Gay Talese

This is Cafe Society? [NYO]