Dooced Crown Editor To St. Martin's Press

We're relieved to hear that former Crown editor Jason Pinter, who was dismissed from that position for writing about his employer on his blog, has found a new job as at editor at St. Martin's. According to Galleycat, which brings us this happy news, our initial account of Pinter's firing was "extremely flawed," which we will totally apologize for as soon as we figure out what the hell they meant by that. Was it the part where we were "correct that Pinter's termination resulted from the now-deleted blog post comparing and contrasting Chris Bohjalian's B&N-related success to Ishmael Beah's Starbucks-induced sales"? Or was it the part where we implied that, had Galleycat not linked to that post, bringing it to our attention, Pinter wouldn't have lost his job in the first place? Hmm! Galleycat's Sarah Weinman says of this latest news that she is "understandably ... very pleased with this turn of events." We're happy that we don't have to feel guilty anymore too!
Jason Pinter Moves To St. Martin's Press [Galleycat]