Irish People Demand Right To Drink Anywhere

So a bunch of angry Irish folks have put down their pints of Powers Gold Label long enough to feel aggrieved by something, which, let's face it, is their favorite thing to do after getting plastered and blowing up cars in heavily-populated areas anyway. This time Seamus and Co. are upset about "a St. Patrick's Day liquor ban on New York's commuter railroads, calling the move a gross act of stereotyping and discrimination."
"It definitely looks like stereotyping, and that's what the MTA should be faulted for," state Senator Martin Golden, a Republican of Brooklyn who is Irish, said. "Some people do get out of control, but to focus on that day, and on certain segments of the population like that, is totally wrongheaded."
All of which seems reasonable enough until you think back to, oh, just about any St. Patrick's Day you've ever spent avoiding belligerent paddies puking in alleyways and bitching about the British.
And have any of you tried to take the LIRR on that particular holiday? You could drown in the rivers of barf and blood. Plus you basically have to step over the bodies of battered gays to get off at Massapequa.
Whatever. You don't like it, Golden? Why don't you go on a hunger strike? It worked for Bobby Sands!
Ban of Liquor on St. Patrick's Riles Railroad Commuters [NYS]
Related: There's a profile of model Irishman Shane MacGowan in today's Times.