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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in like you mean it. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the most recent time you spotted Tony Hale purchasing a DVD of his own work:

In today's episode: Ben Stiller, Laura Dern and Ben Harper; Sacha Baron Cohen and Dustin Hoffman; Alanis Morissette; Mark Ruffalo, Fab Moretti and Danny Masterson; Emily Blunt, Courteney Cox and John Glover; Ellen Pompeo, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr.; Gwen Stefani; Tony Hale; Jason Lee, Adam Goldberg, and Giovanni Ribisi; Rebecca Gayheart; Sharon and Kelly Osbourne; Whitney Houston and Ray-J; Busta Rhymes; Tony Shaloub; Mischa Barton; Christina Ricci; Verne Troyer; Scott Bakula; Jonathan Tucker; Robert Best and Nyabel.

· Saw Ben Stiller Monday Morning 3/5 at The Brentwood Market. He was meeting with two industry guys, one flowing locks, one a fat bald producer looking type, wearing sprocket glasses. He was late to see them and totally apologetic. The guy acts genuine like a successful actor. Then moments later laura dern walked in with her Ben(Hey aren't you Lenny Kravitz?) Harper, husband. Well, Ben Stiller was SO glad to see them. He gave Laura's Ben a total soul brother handshake(Is this guy always on?) Then Laura Dern acted like she'd never been as happy as she was the moment she laid eyes on the fat, bald producer. She must've thought he might offer her a part. Has she worked since Jurassic Park?

· 3/2 - Alanis Morisette getting drunk and rocking out to UK singer/songwriter Alexi Murdoch at the El Rey

3.6 - dustin hoffman & son buddying up with sacha baron cohen & friends in a private booth during albert hammond, jr.'s gig at the el rey. sasha was actually pretty hot.

· celebrity trifecta. checking out the mooney suzuki / albert hammond jr. show @ the el rey, last night (3/6/07), when about halfway through the mooney's set, danny masterson strolls in. full beard, rolled up sleeves on his western shirt, looking good. he's with a small group of friends and alternating between doing the dude rock head bob thing and blackberrying furiously. slight titters of recognition travel through the crowd. funny because i was so transfixed by his bushyheaded hotness, that when my friend tapped my shoulder i turned around (annoyed) and noticed another bearded beauty. mark ruffalo and pretty blond and two male buds. no one seemed to notice the guy. not surprising since the average age of the crowd was 12. right before albert hammond jr. came on, their were a few girly shrieks and then there was fab. fab moretti obviously there to support his fellow stroke, graciously stopped for every fan with a camera phone and posed for pix. swell guy.

· last night at orzo 3.6 dinner inside at 7ish watching the door, my dinner compagion was dull meal was great..... 1st john glover straight to the patio after hugs with the staff, then emily blunt blew kisses then to the patio....then as we were leaving courteney cox, very tall to a table inside with 2 gal pals. 3 in about 15 minutes what fun!

· 3-7 Ellen Pompeo(alone and VERY THIN), Sarah Michelle Gellar(not as thin) and Freddie Prinze Jr. (together), at Whole Foods, at about 330pm today, Riverside and Coldwater Canyon, in the Valley(oh my God), all intently shopping, no eye contact

· 3-7 I was at Barneys (the store, not the Beanery) hoping that the bagels were flown in today so that I could take care of my rancid hangover, when who should I see, but Gwen Stefani and the beautiful little baby and the rest of Gwennie's pack. I really don't care for her music so much. She is much more angular in person. Really quite striking, not that it means I will buy her music.

· At the Sunset/Vine Borders, 3/5, 8pm-ish, I saw Tony Hale searching the DVD New Release aisle. He was dressed like every film school nerd I know, cords, oversized-non-descript shirt, baseball cap - but still adorable. After seeking help from an employee he found what he was looking for - a copy of Stranger Than Fiction.

· saturday march 3rd - midlake show at the troubadour. jason lee, complete with 'earl' stache and what looked like a knit hat he stole from the set of 'almost famous.' was whisked upstairs to the lounge, but came down a couple seconds later to rock out with the rest of the plebes. on the way out pushed to the exit with adam goldberg who stopped to talk to Giovanni ribisi. apparently the entire contents of silverlake/los feliz emptied out and carpooled to weho for the show.

· Monday, March 5, midday, Los Feliz:

was coming out of Soap Plant/Wacko on Hollywood, walking towards Vermont, when Giovanni Ribisi came swaggering past me in the opposite direction - we passed each other in front of the second hand store next door. That's right, he was *swaggering*. And wearing a motocross leather jacket despite the very warm weather. He's short. We stared at each other: I was trying to remember his name, and he may have been intrigued by the t-shirt from my employer I was wearing, which said "film crew" on it. I didn't turn around to see if he went into Wacko; I was too annoyed that it was the last day of my first trip to LA, and my only celebrity sighting the whole time had been a bloody Scientologist. What a gyp.

· Saw Rebecca Gayheart at the Peet's Coffee in Larchmont yesterday (3/8). She looked thin and trim but her famed noxema-caressed skin looked a tad leathery, perhaps from one too many cigs. She sat outside a friend. She laughed, smoked, talked on her cell, and smoked some more.

· Saturday 3/3/07 - Sharon and Kelly Osbourne shopping on Robertson. Same night spotted The Office's BJ Novak (Ryan the temp) having a late night meal at the 101. He looks exactly like he does on TV. 3/4/07 - Busta Ryhmes with 3 HUGE dudes looking for some shoes at Sportie LA on Melrose. He is tall and was sporting a lot of ice. 3/7/07 - I was having dinner at Crustacean in Beverly Hills - I saw Whitney Houston and her young love Ray-J walk by my table. It seemed that people in the restaurant weren't paying attention to them until they were outside and a ton a camera flashes went off.

· 3-8 I saw Tony Shaloub at Cafe du Village on Larchmont, sitting in a corner, back to the rest of the patrons, very scruffy, with another Lebanese looking dude. I restrained myself from going up to inform him that I haven't watched his show since Bitty Schramm got canned............

· What kind of losers photograph Mischa fucking Barton? Paparazzi morons, that's who. Today. (3-8) Through the window of a nail salon in thestrip mall at Wilshire and San Vincente. I can't believe I saw the gaggle and thought they were photographing a celebrity. So lame.

· 3-8 I thought I was in a celebrity safe zone at my new favorite sushi joint, Ike, on Hollywood and Gower. Turns out I was right. However, that still didn't stop east side somewhats like crazy-eyes-wannabe-killah Adam Goldberg and his little daughter, I mean woman, Christina Ricci, from barging into the peaceful space this past Monday night. Goldberg would be creepy, perhaps, if it wasn't so obvious that he wants to be thought of that way. Now please don't go to Ike! It is my haven, and clearly not a true celebrity peep zone.

· 3-9 Was doing some shopping at the Ralphs on Ventura and Vineland (where it's not unusual to spot that guy/girl from that TV/reality show you've never actually watched but know from the promos running in for some cigarettes after wrapping at Warner Bros./Universal Studios) when suddenly Verne Troyer rounded the corner and came rolling down the cereal aisle right towards me. He was in his own little Rascal, while a buddy (bodyguard?) pushed the cart behind him. I was highly amused as the 3 year-old in the cart next to me leaned down to say hi, and Verne gave him a high-five and a big smile as he rolled by. Unfortunately, the little Rascal wasn't as pimped as his custom Mercedes.

· 03/07/07 — VCA Animal Hospital at Melrose & Robertson — 7:40 a.m.

Necessary Roughness's Scott Bakula. His dog, "Cooper", was going in for surgery. Pray for Cooper. Pray for us all.

· Monday 3/5
Jonathan Tucker (from The Black Donnellys) at Truly Vegan in Hollywood with two cute girls. Wouldn't have recognized him if it weren't for the building-sized poster of his face down the block. Gotta say, vegan food sure is working for him - kid showed off some damn fine abs last episode. I still can't believe that Haggis melodrama took Studio 60's slot tho!

· My theater buddy and I randomly bumped into friends at the bottom of the escalators of Laemmle Sunset 5 Theater this past Sunday night. They had just finished a workout at Crunch. We were deciding where to go for diner after catching Forest Whitakers's Oscar Winning performance in the Last King of Scotland. Totally went for the performance- ended up loving the entire movie. Anyway, we caught auf'd season three Project Runway contestant Robert Best's tightly toned ass walking into CPK. I still say he's a fat boy trapped in a muscle queen's body.

We also noticed Nyabel from Janice Dickinson's Modeling Agency ordering up what I hope is a calorie deprived caffeine concoction from Buzz Coffee. Okay, I hate myself a little for the last sentence but girlfriend needs to lose another 15 pounds if she wants to be the poor man's Alek Wek. Oh and we choose Bossa Nova on Sunset.