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Over in Tokyo, one of the last places in the civilized world where leading juvenile cancer patient collector Michael Jackson can make occasional public appearances without having a firehose turned on him by child protection groups, the erstwhile King of Pop followed up a $3500-per-pump handshake party with a more affordable, $130 event for his less affluent devotees. Unfortunately, Jackson, worn down from a new round of experimental cosmetic procedures that have inflicted him with gigantism and rendered him even more distressingly waxen and ghoulish than usual, quickly tired of the high-pitched adulation offered up by the mesmerized throng and decided to cut short the appearance. Greedily snatching up the three local youngsters he'd been promised as tribute, he stormed off towards a Neverland-themed suite reserved for him at a nearby love hotel, a retreat that was hardly impeded by the brave young man who tried to restrain him until he fulfilled his entire personal appearance obligation.

[Photo: AP]