This morning's Sun reports that—due to his stunning popularity—the Barack Obama fundraiser already moved to The Grand Hyatt hotel from its original location was selling out its new block of tickets quickly. This did not come as news to us! We'd already gotten the following missive from event planner Serena Torrey, who is better known as New York magazine's flack.

I'm sorry to be bombarding you with emails about the Obama event. I hope that this will be the last one.The Friday night "young professionals" event at the new venue, The Grand Hyatt, has filled up AGAIN and will close for RSVPs at midnight tonight (Wednesday). If you want to attend and have not yet bought a ticket, please do so right away. The campaign tells me that this will be a "hard close," meaning that they won't be able to accomodate anyone - via fax or internet - after midnight tonight. I'm sorry about this and I hope that it won't inconvenience anyone - i think most of you who plan to come have already bought your tickets.

We don't know if the Senator will ultimately succeed in the race for the White House, but with someone like Torrey by his side, we like his odds. (Of course, he likes all the Torreys!) She's the hardest working person in the public relations business. She probably will be able to continue at her day job throughout the campaign.

Tickets Sell Fast as Obama Heads to New York
Earlier: Serena Torrey, Still So Political