Finally, someone has something nice to say about purportedly evil trendspotter Faith Popcorn! "Faith doesn't tolerate bad work or stupid ideas. Yet she's so bombarded by stupidity from her deficient staff she sometimes lashes out." Could this be the voice of someone who was one of Faith's chosen pampered pets? Well, yes: "I think the issue with Faith—an issue that might come up a few times with this project— is that she plays favorites in a serious way. Any boss who engages in that kind of psychological/motivational ploy is going to alienate some people in a serious way." This tipster's final word on Faith? "She's a very unique [sic] individual, and I doubt any ex-employees bitching is going to make her change." From a less-favored current employee, though: "She creates an environment that should be investigated—please help us." Um. We've done what we can!

Earlier: Faith Popcorn Pins One On