Speaking of recent roastee Graydon Carter, did he use his awesome clout to prevent a tell-all biography from being written about him? Radar reports that a "British book publisher has postponed an unauthorized biography of the Vanity Fair editor in chief after two researchers working on the book mysteriously quit." The researchers—"'young and ambitious' women, one of whom had earlier worked at VF"—didn't give a reason for their decision, but the publisher sees the dark arts of the man with the clown-like hair. We're of the opinion that any volume about the life of a blustery, volatile figure who has become the worst kind of parody of the people he used to pillory requires the skill and understanding of a Saul Bellow, not a jam job by a couple of editorial assistants looking to make a quick buck, but leave that aside: Any guesses as to the former Vanity Fair employee? And what possible threats—apart from withholding Waverly reservations—could Graydon have made? We look forward to your speculation.

Did 'Dark Horse' Graydon Kill Bio Book? [Radar]