You know what's handy when going to work as an editor on the media beat at the New York Times? Having been pals in college with "future media stars" like Jeff Zucker! Oh, also, that college would be called "Harvard," a place that goes unnamed in today's in-house announcement of Jennifer Kingson's appointment as deputy media editor in the Biz section. Lil' Jeffy Zucker, now Prez and CEO of NBC, was back then the editor of the school paper, the Crimson, natch. Speaking of! We hear today's Harvard kids up at the Crimson just hired themselves an ombudsman! Hope they enjoy that.

March 7, 2007 Next Deputy Media Editor in Bizday: Jennifer Kingson

Jennifer Kingson will join Business Day's media cluster as deputy media editor.

As Bizday's weekend editor for the past year, Jennifer earned a reputation across the newsroom as a quick study, a gentle but firm editor and an unflappable colleague. At the same time, she was pitching — and occasionally writing — ideas for the media desk. She'll bring all those skills to the task of elevating the daily media report, working with the marketing and retailing reporters and putting together the Monday section.

After college (where she knew Jeff Zucker, among other future media stars), Jennifer began her journalism career as a clerk in the Times' Boston bureau before moving on to other various reporting jobs, then a long stint covering finance at The American Banker, developing a sub-specialty in the credit card business. She returned to the mothership in 2004, working in a variety of roles in Bizday before taking on the weekend job in 2006.

Congratulations to Jennifer.

Larry Ingrassia & Bruce Headlam