Lindsay Lohan Drops A Line To Possibly Suicidal Britney Spears

Subject: Everybody Hurts-Michael Stipe once said.
So I'm hering all kinds of nuts stuff about you on the Internet and places. Suicide attempts, calling yorself the antichrist. (Way to reach the Hot topic demo!) But is it true? I reely hope not! Brit, listen!
I have had many ups and downs, as do we all. But to tie a bedsheet to a lite and then wrap it around your neck is pure crazy in my oppinion. What was the thred count? Hopefully, high! Having said this, I am willing to do anything I need to get your life the way it should be and the way you work for it to be. Me and Al Gore are willing to hold a big press conference and will do anything necessary to do so. We want you to be get better. We need you to get better. Lsiten, Brit, you have to kids who love you. Let me help you. Just ask,, it doesn't hurt to ask. So let's start now, rather than waste time. Do you agree? Because I cannot be the only druggedout celeb jailbait left on the scene, I just cant. Its too much for one person, and that bitch Paris never picks up the slack. Thank you for your time.
Your friend in Christ,
Lindsay Lohan
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
Rumors on the internets: Antichrist Britney Spears [LIFE STYLE EXTRA]