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Ann Shoket's first issue as editor of Seventeen hits the stands next week. Will she crawl her way into our hearts like Atoosa Rubenstein did so scarily before her? (Related: Will she blog about cutting and emo?) Her first editor's letter—click to enlarge!— plays it smart; she casts herself as the new girl at school. (Whether she turns out to be a Heather or a Veronica, well, we shall see.) So far, she's getting points for chugging Red Bull and including shirtless pictures of David Beckham on her page. That's the kind of gal we want instructing America's teens! Also, we hear that her first covergirl is post-post-punkey fifth-wave-feminist Avril Lavigne, pegged to the Canadian lass's new album in April. So there, 'Toos!

Previously: Judging The Shoes of the New 'Toos