• Murdoch (James, but you take what you can get) vs. Branson. RELATED: This Times summary. [NYT]
  • Philly papers accurately assess people's level of patience for them. [NYT]
  • Sale of Reader's Digest a done deal. Mary Berner, waiting in the wings all the while, will be running the show. [MediaPost]
  • The BBC and IBM do a deal to develop Web 3.0 technology, which is at least 1.0 more than we knew was available. [Guardian]
  • Brian Williams' surprise trip to Baghdad has nothing to do with NBC Nightly News' declining ratings, okay? We'll let you know how the ratings were as soon as we hear. [NYT]
  • Gender-equity specialist Dave Zinczenko to bring forth a female version of his Abs Diet bestseller. Expect this one to be longer and less satisfying. [WWD]
  • Nice appreciation of Alexander Chancellor (The Spectator when it was good) from Geoffrey Wheatcroft. [Independent (U.K.)]