• Bonnie Fuller is allegedly "reaching out to Hachette Filipacchi and to TMZ.com." There are the usual denials all around, but we think if anyone can revive Shock, it's Bonnie "Bon Temps" Fuller. [NYP]
  • Less than half the targeted "volunteers" at Time Inc. have yet to take their packages and go. Guess Ann Moore underestimated the appeal of working near a big pile of shit. [WWD]
  • The BBC does a deal with YouTube. [Guardian]
  • We've been following the battle between Rupert Murdoch and Richard Branson out of the corner of one eye, but it looks like it may be worth a little more attention. [Independent]
  • The Washington Post's fourth quarter numbers were not so good. [MediaPost]
  • NBC Entertainment president Kevin Reilly gets a new, multi-year deal. Thank you, Jason Lee's moustache! [MediaWeek]
  • Remember HOTSOUP? Of course you don't. That's probably why Souper Ron Fournier is heading back to the A.P. [E&P]
  • Oh, God, still more Tribune. [Chicago Business]
  • Village Voice Media talent or 18th century American painter? [Alt-Weekly Death Watch]