MEGAN MCCARTHY — Once again, it's back to Slide for yet another meet and greet, though at least this time no one is (overtly) fishing for funding. It's a different order of fishing tonight, as this is "Girls in Tech," an evening created by three female consultants who hope to build buzz via a connected hen party of (ideally) successful and attractive women. No one would admit to riding the slide tonight. The organizers — PR vixen Laurie Anne Lassek, marketing guru Julia French, and Vlog Hot contestant Adriana Gascoigne — held court over a gaggle of Y chromosomes, for the first hour at least. Which I missed. (Thank you, traffic on Sand Hill Road.) Still, I managed to meet up with Natali Del Conte (yet another Vlog Hot contestant) and Kevin Burton of Tailrank. As is often the case, the formal party concept, hardly formal though it was, rapidly evolved/devolved into a night on the town, with all the attendant morning-after consequences. Despite escorting a visiting reporter from Der Spiegel, journalistic precepts were tossed to the wind, leaving us with little more of a party report than you're presently reading. Lane Hartwell did the usual stellar work on the photo gallery though, and you can enjoy a few samples after the jump.

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Feel free to check out the full gallery.