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Billionairess Mark Cuban gets so fired up by his hatred of Youtube and Google that he accidentally comes up with a pretty good idea, then sails right past it. In response to Youtube taking down clips from the Oscars in response to pressure from the Academy, Cuban recommends that content owners submit dozens of short clips of actual content, each padded with ads or filler, and all linked to the content owner's website. This will "overwhelm" Youtube somehow, according to Cuban. His plan has all the rationality and (all the likely success) of, say, George Clooney's scheme to destroy Gawker Stalker by flooding it with fake sightings. Still, why not?

It's a sneakily good plan to post short intro clips of something to Youtube with a linkback to a full-length, extended, and/or or high-quality version on a proprietary site. Padding the clip with spam, however, is where Cuban's revenge-complex manifests, as it would do minimal harm to Youtube and potentially irritate viewers right out of their inclination to visit the proprietary site. But who cares, it sounds so populist and crazy, just like everybody "overwhelming" Youtube with porn! Well, populist in terms of giant media/entertainment corporations, anyway. If Cuban and others like him would just drop their personal animus and figure out ways to make Youtube their pal, they'd get more traffic and likely not be so perpetually ulcerated.

[Photo: Getty]