The book that was the real reason for Judith Regan's firing—at least according to New York magazine—has found a new unscrupulous publisher. The Lyons Press, which according to its website is "proud to publish the most distinguished list of fishing books in the world, as well as quality works on horses" has acquired the rights to 7, the Mickey Mantle bio that reads like bad erotica (For instance: "Mickey enters [Marilyn Monroe], going in nice and easy ..." ). "It's one of those books that a lot of people will love, but some won't," author Peter Golenbock told the Times yesterday. Those 'people' presumably include HarperCollins CEO Jane Friedman, who "hit the roof" when the book was decried on the cover of the Daily News. Will anyone still care by the time the book comes out? Well, says Golenbock, "The only change was from 'Regan' to 'Lyons." So... no.

Mickey Mantle Novel 7 Finds A Publisher [NYT]
Even Bitches Have Feelings [NYMag]
Related: Mickey Mantle, God Among Men [Deadspin]